Carl Zeiss / Zeiss-Opton Sonnar 135mm F/4 Contax RF (Outer Mount)

HKD 1,680.00



1. 基本檢查及清潔 2. 鏡頭狀態 :如圖所示 3. 連一富士接環、微距濾鏡 FujiFilm X Series,Fuji X-Series Mirrorless Cameras - Popular models include: • Fujifilm X-A1, X-A2, X-A3, X-A5, X-A7, X-A10, X-A20 • Fujifilm X-E1, X-E2, X-E2s, X-E3 • Fujifilm X-H1, X-M1 • Fujifilm X-Pro1, X-Pro2, X-Pro3 • Fujifilm X-T1, X-T2, X-T3, X-T4, X-T10, X-T20, X-T30, X-T100, X-T200, X-S10 $1680 ***如欲選購,請註明型號或Cap圖*** WhatsApp / Signal:5128-8255 Expected Availability:1 -2 Working Days 一般等待時間為一至兩個工作天。


Liability 責任

You shall bear the risk and be responsible for damage (such as the damage on the coating and surface of the lens) arising from the maintenance if you request to repair and clean the lens with filter or colour filter or other optical components.

如閣下需維修或清潔之鏡頭,配有濾光鏡或濾色鏡等光學元件,閣下需就維修引致之損壞 (如鏡片鍍膜或表面之損壞) 承擔風險和責任。


Little Garden may disassemble the product and reset its settings in the course of inspection, repair or parts replacement without prior notice to the Customer. Any damaged/defective part so replaced shall be Our property and non-returnable.



Before the inspection, you shall be responsible to ensure that all data stored in the external storage media or Built-In Memory has back up.



Under no circumstances shall Our Campany be liable for any direct or indirect loss or damage or leakage whatsoever arising from the loss or damage of the external storage media or Built-In Memory or its data or copyright in connection with the inspection, use or maintenance of the external storage media or Built-In Memory.



Customer must check carefully and confirm all items recorded on the Service Order, we shall not be liable for any loss, damages or claim of the attachments / accessories not recorded.



Little Garden will exercise every care to safeguard the Product(s) received but no guarantee can be given against loss and damage caused by circumstances beyond CHK’s reasonable control including, but not limited to war, riot, strike, embargo, act of god, theft or government intervention. 



Little Garden shall not be liable to the Customer or any third party whatsoever for any damage, loss, liability (save and except for any personal injuries or death) including but not limited to any loss of or damage to data or software caused by any act, omission or negligence of any technician, employee or independent contractor of Little Garden or any events of Force Majeure. In any event, the maximum liability of Little Garden under the Service Order shall be restricted to the total amount paid by the Customer hereunder. 

本公司將毋須對客戶或任何第三者就任何損害、損失、賠償(除了人身傷害和死亡外),包括但不限於因其技術員、員工或獨立承辦人之任何行為、不行為或疏忽或 任何不可抗力而導致任何資料或軟件損失或損害。不論如何,本公司根據維修工作單應承擔之責任上限為以客戶按本工作單支付的總金額。


Please note that the above fees are for reference only and subject to parts availability. In the event of any dispute, we reserve the rights to make the final decision. 

請注意: 以上費用只作參考用途並以零件供應情況為準。如有任何爭議,我們保留最終決定權。
