Fotodiox LM接環 Pro Lens Mount Adapter for Leica M Mount Rangefinder Camera Body



Fotodiox Pro Lens Mount Adapter for Leica M Mount Rangefinder Camera Body M39/L39 Screw Mount with Leica 6-Bit M-Coding ( L39-LM) : 28mm/90mm Frame Line $540 35mm/135mm Frame Line $540 50mm/75mm Frame Line $540 Adaptor with Built-In Aperture Control Dial: Contarex lens (CRX-LM) $1790 Deckel Bayonett lens (DKL-LM) $830 Nikon Nikkor F Mount G-Type lens (NIK G-LM)$660 Features: infinity focus or beyond allowed Integrated aperture control dial for adjusting the lens aperture Enhanced craftsmanship and high-tolerance construction for demanding professionals Precise fit and solid connection; lens has no play, gap or wiggling when mounted on adapter and no adjustments required Precision all-metal construction with chrome plated brass mounts for secure and solid fit Compatible Cameras Leica M Mount Rangefinder Cameras - Popular models include: Leica M3, M2, M1, M4, M5, CL, M6, MP, M7, M8, M9 Hexar RF Epson R-D1, 35mm Bessa, Cosina Voigtländer, Minolta CLERollei 35 RF, Zeiss Ikon, Ricoh GXR A12 M-Mount Module *These adapters there is No Focus Coupling, so focus will be by lens distance scale only. * 以上接環不支援連動測距功能,用於菲林相機時需以估焦拍攝。
