Haida NanoPro MC ND 0.9, 1.8, and 3.0 Filter Kit (3, 6, and 10-Stop) 67mm-82mm 減光濾鏡

Filter Size 濾鏡尺寸



Key Features: • Darkens Entire Image • Reduced Shutter Speeds • Widen Apertures • Solid Neutral Density 0.9 Filter • 8x Filter Factor, 3-Stop • Solid Neutral Density 1.8 Filter • 64x Filter Factor, 6-Stop • Solid Neutral Density 3.0 Filter • 1000x Filter Factor, 10-Stop • Filter Case This NanoPro MC ND 0.9, 1.8, and 3.0 Filter Kit from Haida contains three filters that can be used individually or in various combinations to create a darkening of the entire image, allowing you to photograph with a wider aperture or slower shutter speed than normally required. By slowing your exposure time or increasing your aperture, you are able to control depth of field and convey movement more easily. Neutral density filters do not affect the coloration of the image and are ideal for pairing with other filters. 52mm $1200 55mm $1350 58mm $1500 62mm $1630 67mm $1830 72mm $2130 77mm $2430 82mm $2830 *如欲選購,請註明型號或Cap圖* WhatsApp / Signal:5128-8255
