JJC Mechanical Shutter Release Cable with Bulb-Lock (機械快門線) - 70cm



Product Highlights: 1. For any camera features a threaded shutter release button 可用於具有螺紋快門鈕之機身。 2. Prevent camera shake for super telephoto shots, macro photography and bulb exposures. 可避免機身抖動、應用於長焦鏡頭、微距拍攝。 3. Cable release has a locking function 具有鎖位,鎖定B門。 4. Bulb-lock design for long exposures 可用於長期曝光。 $120 (70cm) Camera OR Lens are not included. 相機及鏡頭只作測試用,並不包括其中。 ***如欲選購,請註明型號或Cap圖*** WhatsApp / Signal:5128-8255 https://wa.me/51288255 Expected Availability:1 -2 Working Days 一般等待時間為一至兩個工作天。
