KINGMA Dummy Battery Kit For Canon EOS LP-E8 (假電池連L電池及轉接器)



原裝/代用:代用 對應相機型號 :Canon EOS 700D、EOS 650D、EOS 600D 及EOS 550D。 Dummy Battery 假電池 $180 (須配合NP-F970 Series Adaptor 使用) Dummy Battery With NP-F970 Series Adaptor 假電池連轉接器 $350 Dummy Battery With Adaptor and NP-F970 Battery 假電池連L電池及轉接器 6600mAh Package: A/ Dummy Battery 假電池、 B/ Adapter 變壓器、 C/ NP-F970 Battery $600 Dummy Battery With Adaptor and NP-F980 Battery 假電池連L電池及轉接器 10500mAh Package: A/ Dummy Battery 假電池、 B/ Adapter 變壓器、 C/ NP-F980 Battery $700 Dummy Battery With Adaptor and NP-F990 Battery 假電池連L電池及轉接器 10400mAh Package: A/ Dummy Battery 假電池、 B/ Adapter 變壓器、 C/ NP-F990 Battery $780 *如欲選購,請註明型號或Cap圖* WhatsApp / Signal:5128-8255
