ROLANPRO Nylon Tripod Protection Camouflage Coat For Gitzo GT5533S Systematic Series 5 Carbon Fiber Tripod 三腳架保護炮衣

HKD 580.00

Colour 顏色



Brand:ROLANPRO Compatible Model:Gitzo GT5533S Systematic Series 5 Carbon Fiber Tripod. • Design Studio design and production of foot protector can provide good protection for the tripod,also when used in cold outdoor winter not because of low temperatures and freezing hands. Colour 顏色: • Jungle Camouflage 叢林迷彩 #3 • Green Jungle Camouflage 綠色叢林迷彩 #5 • Military Camouflage 軍綠迷彩 #6 • NEW Grass Camouflage 新枯葉迷彩 #19 • Black 黑色 • Gray Camouflage 灰色迷彩 $580 Expected Availability: 3-7 Working Days 部份顏色需訂造,一般等待時間為三至七個工作天。 如欲選購,請註明型號或Cap圖* WhatsApp / Signal:5128-8255




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