Repair Cost Checking For Canon FD 35mm F/3.5 (1971) Lens Cleaning, Aperture Repairment And Lens Crash 抹鏡清潔、光圈維修、重新組裝等維修報價參考



Canon FD 35mm F/3.5 (1971) 6 elements in 6 groups Filters:Screw-type 55mm Cleaning 清潔 1. Lens Cleaning 抹鏡清潔 $300起 抹鏡常見於:鏡片出現Mildew黴菌 / 菌絲、Haze起霞 / 霧 / 朦朧、Dust灰塵 Elements Separation Repair 維修離膠 $1580起 Adjustment 調校 / Abnormal 故障 / Replace 更換 2. Aperture Repairment 維修光圈 $480起 3. Lens Cleaning抹鏡清潔 + Aperture Repairment 維修光圈 $680起 4. Manual Focus Repairment 手動對焦維修 $450起 5. Infinity Repairment 無限遠維修 $380起 C.L.A (Clean、Lubricant、Adjust) - Quotation will be given after product inspection 待檢查後報價 Expected Availability: 2 - 3Weeks. 維修時間為兩至三個星期。 請注意: 以上費用只作參考用途並以零件供應情況為準。如有任何爭議,我們保留最終決定權。 Please note that the above fees are for reference only and subject to parts availability. In the event of any dispute, we reserve the rights to make the final decision. ***如對鏡頭、相機維修有任何查詢*** WhatsApp / Signal:5128-8255

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