Repair Cost Checking For Leica D-LUX (Typ109) 影相黑點 / 入沙/ 入麈 維修格價參考方案



Leica D-LUX (Typ109) - 2014 Cleaning 清潔 ① Image Sensor Cleaning 感光元件清潔 - 收光圈時 / 影相有黑點 $480起 ② Lens Cleaning 抹鏡清潔 - 發霉 / 有塵 / 污垢 / 入沙 $480起 Adjustment 調校 / Abnormal 故障 ③ Focus Adjustment 對焦調校 $580起 ④ Aperture Repair 維修光圈 - 未能正常收光圈 / 光圈呈現不正常 $580起 ⑤ Shutter System Malfunction 快門系統故障 - 按快門時沒反應 $1080起 ⑥ Motor Cleaning 入沙後鏡頭伸縮不良 $580起 ⑦ Failure Caused By Qater / Liquid Sand 入水 / 液體 / 沙引起故障 - Quotation will be given after product inspection 待檢查後報價 ⑧ Camera Halt 當機 / 完全冇反應 - Quotation will be given after product inspection 待檢查後報價 ⑨ Other Symptom 其他徵狀 - Quotation will be given after product inspection 待檢查後報價 C.L.A (Clean、Lubricant、Adjust) - Quotation will be given after product inspection 待檢查後報價 Expected Availability:3 - 4Weeks. (For Product Inspection) 維修時間為三至四個星期。 價錢只供參考,按實際情況作出調整。 For Reference only, Last price determined by actual conditions. ***如對鏡頭、相機維修有任何查詢*** WhatsApp / Signal:5128-8255
