Repair Cost Checking For RICOH GR III X HDF (Highlight Diffusion Filter) 版本 Camera Halt 當機 / 完全冇反應



Cleaning 清潔 1. General Check and Clean 基本檢查及解決白化問題 $450起 2. Image Sensor Cleaning 感光元件清潔 - 收光圈時 / 影相有黑點 $480起 3. Lens Cleaning 抹鏡清潔 - 發霉 / 有塵 / 污垢 $480起 Adjustment 調校 / Abnormal 故障 4. Focus Adjustment 對焦調校 $880起 5. Shutter System Malfunction 快門系統故障 - 按快門時沒反應 $1180起 6. Power Supply / Power On / Off Abnormal 電池供應 / 無法正常開機關機 $1180起 7. Exposure Abnormal 曝光不正常 - 開機Mon全黑,影一張相方恢復正常 $1180起 8. Focusing System Failure 鏡頭伸縮故障維修 / 出現「鏡頭異常」 (須換鏡組 / 電路板) $1480起 9. Aperture Repair 維修光圈 - 未能正常收光圈 / 光圈呈現不正常 $980起 10. LCD Panel Replace 更換顯示屏 - 爆芒、漏液 $1580起 11. Mode Dial Work Abnormal 模式轉盤功能不正常 $980起 12. Function Keyboard Board Replace 鍵盤更換 $1180起 13. Function Button Problem 功能按掣問題 - GR3十字掣 $1180起 14. P.C. Board Replace 底板更換 $1580起 – GR / GRII P.C. Board Replace 底板更換 $1980起 – GRIII / GRIIIx / GRIIIx HDF 15. Storage Problem 記憶媒體識別故障 $1080起 16. Storage Card Pin Broken 記憶槽插針損毀 $980起 17. Internal Flash Problem 內置閃燈問題 $780起 - GR / GRII 18. Abnormal Battery Ran Out 電池耗電不正常 $980起 19. Failure Caused By Water / Liquid Sand 入水 / 液體 / 沙引起故障 - Quotation will be given after product inspection 待檢查後報價 20. Camera Halt 當機 - Quotation will be given after product inspection 待檢查後報價 21. Other Symptom 其他徵狀 - Quotation will be given after product inspection 待檢查後報價 Replace 更換 22. Replace Terminal Cover / Coupler Cover 接線蓋 / 電池蓋軟膠蓋更換 $580起 23. Replace Grip / Back Cover Rubber 手柄/背蓋膠邊更換 $680起 24. Replace Lens Cover 鏡頭簾幕更換 $880起 25. Replace Shutter Release Button 快門按掣更換 - 因硬物碰撞 $880起 26. Replace Battery Cover 電池蓋更換 $580起 27. Replace Slide / Side Cover 推蓋 / 側蓋更換 $580起 28. C.L.A (Clean、Lubricant、Adjust) - Quotation will be given after product inspection 待檢查後報價 C.L.A (Clean、Lubricant、Adjust) - Quotation will be given after product inspection 待檢查後報價 Expected Availability:3 - 4Weeks. (For Product Inspection) 維修時間為三至四個星期。 價錢只供參考,按實際情況作出調整。 For Reference only, Last price determined by actual conditions. ***如對鏡頭、相機維修有任何查詢*** WhatsApp / Signal:5128-8255
