Repair Cost Checking For Sony A7 Series Repair Fee (維修快門、十字掣、排線參考價目表)



1. The Shutter stuck Repair快門維修 $750起 2. LCD screen Repair 螢幕維修 $580起 3. Viewfinder Repair 觀景窗維修 $580起 4. Buttons Repair 十字掣維修 $850起 5. Buttons And Parts Repair 十字掣及排線維修 $1280起 6. Sensor Cleaning 清潔 $580起 7. Memory Cards Repair記憶卡維修 $650起 C.L.A (Clean、Lubricant、Adjust) - Quotation will be given after product inspection 待檢查後報價 價錢只供參考,按實際情況作出調整。 For Reference only, Last price determined by actual conditions. ***請以WhatsApp / Signal:5128-8255聯絡***
